Ink Upon Pages is accepting review requests!

I enjoy any YA books (with a preference for fantasy and sci-fi) and fantasy novels. I occasionally enjoy reading history books. I also like reading comic books, graphic novels and comic books. I accept both digital and print books. I am also open to author interviews, giveaways and guest posts!

All reviews will be posted on this blog, GoodReads and links posted on twitter and instagram.

If interested, please email: with brief info on the novel (e.g. title, author, blurb and intended audience).

Thank you for taking the time to read this!


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- I absolutely adored this book. It impressed me and would definitely                                   recommend it.

⭐⭐⭐⭐-  I enjoyed this book and it was satisfying ending it. If part of a series, I am                          willing to continue.

⭐⭐⭐- The book was fine. Didn't amaze or impress me but I managed to finish the                        novel. 

⭐⭐- The book was mediocre. Didn't like at all and could point out a few flaws.

⭐- Did not finish.


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